April 7, 2015


Not having standardisation, policies and procedures will likely lead to a mix match team of people with their own ideas doing their own things with no regard to the initial design of a system (if there was one). Stephen Hille will talk about the importance of planning, and some recommendations for project commencement, implementation and review.

Not having standardisation, policies and procedures will likely lead to a mix match team of people with their own ideas doing their own things with no regard to the initial design of a system (if there was one). Ask yourself what your procedure for basic things such as provisioning a new employee or deploying a printer at a remote site via a GPO (group policy object). Now imagine if someone with 20 years experience comes to your workplace and works next to the guy with 3 months experience and think about how they might do the same task in completely different ways.

Stephen will talk about the importance of planning, a few things to be kept in mind when it comes to starting the project and the mindset of the various stakeholders, the importance of selecting some kind of framework or guide and reviewing what you have and deciding whether or not to use any of the old information, plus things to keep in mind during the implementation and review phases.

Regarding standards and frameworks, Stephen will cover those produced by organisations such as the Australian and New Zealand Standards, as well as the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners IT Security standards the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards.

Date and Time

Tue, April 7, 2015

8 p.m. - 8 p.m.
